Thursday 22 October 2015

Our Digital Citizenship Rules

Listens to my GUT! I make sure that I am safe and appropriate when I am online. Listen to my HEAD. I will protect my private information and the information of others. Listen to my HEART! I will respect myself and others when I am online. I will use kind words and remember my 'digital footprint' should not harm others. I will think before I share. I will use correct spelling and punctuation. I will STAND UP and say No! to CYBERBULLYING. I will tell an adult if someone is being unkind or harmful.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Welcome to Term 4!

Mrs McChlery welcomes Room 5 back to school!
 I hope you have had a fabulous holiday break, I did! :)
Let's look forward to an awesome term of learning.
 We look forward to Rugby World Cup celebrations - let's pray it's us! Mr McChlery won't agree with us though! ;)
 There is the flower show with some awesome Art and Technology planned. It's a term of celebrating our learning for the year so yes there will be testing but it will be awesome to see how much we have learned over 2015!

I can't wait to see you all ready to work and have an amazing last term :)